Juno Frontpage Widget Areas

September 12, 2017

Juno Pro features four frontpage widget areas: The Colored Widget Area, below The Jumbotron and Homepage Featured Posts, followed by Widget Areas A, B and C. This article will explain how to enable the Juno Frontpage Widget Areas.

Show or Hide Juno Frontpage Widget Areas

You can show or hide Widget Areas from Appearance > Customize > Frontpage Content > Frontpage Widget Areas or

Adding Widget Content

To add content to the Widget Areas, go to Appearance > Customize > Widgets.

You can learn more about Widget basics, check out this article in the WordPress codex:

WordPress Widgets

Smartcat Widget Special Features

Juno Pro comes preloaded with pre-templated Widget options including: Smartcat Call To Action, Smartcat Clients, Smartcat Contact Form, Smartcat Contact Info, Smartcat Events, Smartcat Gallery, Smartcat Pricing Tables, Smartcat Projects, and Smartcat Testimonials.

The width of all Smartcat widgets can be customized by changing the Widget Width value within each. To control spacing, use the Smartcat New Row widget to create a second row within a full-width widget area.

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