Athena Pro Custom Post Types: Gallery, FAQ, Testimonial, Team Member

June 9, 2017

The Athena Pro Gallery item is just one of four Custom Post Types Smartcat has created for this theme, along with FAQs, Testimonials and Team Members. Setting up the Gallery only takes a few moments.

1. Creating Gallery Items

The first thing you need to do is create the content that will be featured in your Gallery feed. This means adding photographs with Titles under Gallery > Add Gallery Item in your WordPress dashboard.

Upload the image under Featured Image in the right sidebar. Add a title, then click Publish. That’s it. You’ll notice there is no central editing area to upload media or add any additional information. Its extremely simple compared to a standard WordPress post.

2. Displaying the Gallery

If you want to display your Gallery in a Widget, (eg. on your Frontpage) simply go to Customize > Widgets, click “Add A Widget,” and select the Athena Gallery Widget. Click “Save & Publish.”

The Widget will automatically output the content you’ve created in Step 1.

If you want to display the Gallery on its own page, go to Pages > Add New in your WordPress dashboard.

Title your page appropriately (eg. Photography, Artwork, Gallery, Portfolio) then select the Gallery Page Template from the drop-down list in Page Attributes, a box in the right sidebar below the Publishing Options.

You do not need to insert anything into the page copy itself. Just click Publish. Your Gallery posts will now automatically appear on this page when you visit it, in the same way Posts appear on your Posts Page.

You can also set the Page Template from Pages > Quick Edit > Templates.

3. Displaying Multiple Galleries Using Shortcode

To set up more than one gallery, simply add a new gallery category and save the gallery items you want to display seperately into it.

Create a new page for your second gallery. The page template should be “Default.” Add the shortcode:

[ athena-gallery gallery=”gallery-slug” count=”10″ ]

to the page, the gallery slug is your category slug, and the count indicates the number of images you want to display.

Other Post Types

You can follow the process for steps 1 and 2 to set up a feed of Athena Pro’s other custom post types, just like setting up your feed of images. The other Custom Post Types include:

  • Athena Pro FAQs
  • Athena PRO Testimonials
  • Team Showcase Members

Each post type requires different information information.

FAQs: Title (the Question) and page body (the answer)
GALLERY ITEM: Title, Featured Image
TESTIMONIALS: Title (the person the quote is attributed to) and the page body (The testimonial copy)

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