Athena Pro Menus
June 9, 2017
When you first install Athena Pro, you’ll see an option to Add A Primary Menu in the top left hand of the home page. This will automatically redirect you to Appearance > Menus in your WordPress Dashboard.
You can build your menu here, or from the Customizer, under Customize > Menus > Primary Menu > Add Items.
Before configuring the menu, you’ll need to have previously published the pages that you plan to include. They can be blank at first – they just need to be created so that so that the theme has a destination to reference when creating links.
In the WordPress dashboard menu builder, (Appearance > Menus) select the pages from the list on the left menu and click Add to Menu. You can reorder your pages by dragging and dropping them.
When you’re happy with the menu layout, update the Menu Name and click Save Menu.
Next, click the Manage Locations tab at the top of the same page. Select the menu you just created from the dropdown next to Primary Menu and click Save. This will add your menu to the top of the Athena Front Page.
You also have a Footer location. You can use the same menu you’ve created for the Primary menu here, or create a different menu to appear at the bottom of your site.