Athena Pro Front Page Settings
June 9, 2017
Logo, Site Title & Favicon
You can upload a custom logo and favicon for Athena through the WordPress Customizer. Go to Appearance > Customize.
For your logo, we recommend an image with a maximum height of 75px. If you find your logo is shrinking to a very small size on mobile, double-check the height of this file under Media in your WordPress dashboard. Its porbably too big.
Configuring The Jumbotron
The large slider images on your Athena homepage are called the Jumbotron. It can be configured to contain five, full-page slider images or a single Parallax image.
You can upload your images for the slider, change the slider headlines and edit the button text from the theme Customizer.
Go to Appearance > Customize > Jumbotron in your WordPress dashboard. We recommend images with a horizontal length between 1200 and 1400px.
set a single Parallax image as your front page, instead of a slider, go to Jumbotron > Jumbotron Settings, and select the Parallax option from the Jumbotron Style dropdown.
From the Jumbotron Settings section of the Customizer, you can also manage:
- the speed of the image slider (“Slide Delay”)
- the Slide Transition Effect
- the Slide Loader Style (in our demo, we use “Bar”)
- whether to Show or Hide the “Next” and “Previous” buttons on the slider
If you want to disable the Jumbotron completely, from your WordPress Dashboard select:
Appearance > Customize > Jumbotron > Jumbotron Settings > Hide.
Your Jumbotron’s load time is strongly dependent on the size of the images files you’ve loaded into it. If you’re finding there is a long delay for the slider to appear as the page loads, double check your file size under Media in the WordPress dashboard. Images size should be listed in KB, never in MB.
If your image is too large, resize it the file on your computer using your default image editing software. Double check the length as per above, and choose a web-appropriate image quality when you export the photo after editing. Replace the image you have in your WordPress media directory once you’ve made these changes, and delete the original file
Frontpage Icon Callouts
The Homepage Callouts are the three boxes that appear directly below the slider. In our Athena Demo, these are the green boxes that say “Responsive,” “Customizable” and “WooCommerce.”
You can customize these boxes from the WordPress customizer. In your WordPress dashboard, go to Appearance > Customize > Front Page > Icon Callouts.
From here you can choose an icon, enter your Callout Title and Description for each box, and URL link. Don’t forget to save your changes.
If you want to disable the Icon Callouts completely, select “Hide” from the top of the options list in the Icon Callouts customizer settings.
Your Homepage Content – Latest Posts or A Static Page
The area below the Icon Callouts and Widgets on your homepage is called “The Front Page.” Your Front page can either be static (eg. display the content of a regular, unchanging page) or serve as the feed where your latest posts appear on the site. This is a standard feature of all WordPress themes.
If you want Athena’s front page to update regularly with the latest content from your blog, go to
Customize > Frontpage > Static Front Page. For Front Page display, select Your Recent Posts.
Your latest posts will appear below the Jumbotron and Icon Callouts on the homepage.
If you’d rather have your Athena Front page stay the same, select A Static Front Page instead.
You can choose the specific pages you want to set as your Post Page or your Front Page in the WordPress Dashboard, under Settings > Reading. (If you’re just getting started, you’ll need to first create these Pages under Pages > Add New in your WordPress dashboard, before they’re available to select.)