What Are Juno Pro Modules?
September 19, 2017
Juno Pro features five Smartcat modules that make stylizing your WordPress theme fast and easy.
Smartcat’s Juno Pro Modules
The Modules you can use with Juno Pro are:
- Clients - Feature the clients of your
choice. - Events – Create a list of events with a location, start time, end
time, featured image and description. - Gallery - Images displayed in a beautiful tiled layout, that expand
over a black background when clicked. - Projects – Highlight the details of your projects.
- Testimonials - Share what others have to say about your organization.
The Juno Pro Modules can be displayed in two places on the website:
1. In widget areas on the Frontpage and in sidebars.
2. On a custom page, by setting the Page Template.
Read on in the Knowledge Base to learn about setting up Juno Pro Modules on your site.
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